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Extreme Winter Weather Presents Challenges and Opportunities for Allied

February 13, 2014

Link to press release

LIMA, OHIO - Through January and into February 2014, the Midwest has endured significant snowfall and extreme cold. As any Midwesterner can attest, these extreme conditions have adversely affected travel, school schedules and business. One industry feeling the impact of harsh winter conditions is the environmental contracting and consulting industry.

According to Chad Reynolds, Business Development Director of Allied Environmental Services, Inc. (Allied) in Lima, Ohio, the extreme weather conditions have presented some unique challenges. “There are the obvious problems of projects being cancelled or postponed due to poor conditions,” stated Reynolds, “but with subzero temperatures and wind chills of -30 degrees Fahrenheit, safety of the work crews and equipment failure really becomes a concern,” he added.

But Reynolds was quick to note that the savage weather also presents some unique service opportunities. “Much of our client base is petrochemical based, involving pipeline facilities and storage tank farms. We have been responding to numerous situations of transfer lines and valves freezing. We’ve spent a good part of the winter de-icing process and transfer equipment, and unplugging roof vents of floating roof storage tanks,” Reynolds added. Reynolds stated that Allied has also responded to several spills of fuel along roadways caused by slippery conditions.

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